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Medical Sonography

The Medical Sonography curriculum provides knowledge and clinical skills in the application of high frequency sound waves to image internal body structures.

A & P

Our human body skeleton (anatomical model) is available to hang out with you and your study group! Reserve a study room so that you have space to examine the model. This and the individual human bone models can only be used in the library. You will need to bring your SCC ID card to check models out. 

Models on Reserve

In order to ensure that Reserve materials will be available to all students, please help us by following these rules:

  • BRING your student ID 
  • be ready to use these resources IN THE LIBRARY ONLY (you cannot check them out!)
  • plan to reserve a study room while using body/organ models (you'll need the space to interact comfortably with the skeleton, circulation model, and kidneys!)

Primal Pictures 3D Anatomy & Physiology

Other Resources