If you're struggling to find sources for an assignment or don't know how to use the library resources, a research assistance appointment might be a big help to you.
Research assistance typically lasts about 45 minutes and you can address your concerns or questions with a librarian one-on-one. We'll help you adapt your strategy to get the most effective results and find resources that are appropriate for your topic.
We can meet in-person, either at the library or at the Macon or Swain campus, or we can meet online. Be sure to read "Before Your Research Assistance" so you are ready for your appointment.
Library staff is available for one-on-one research assistance for students and faculty. If you'd like to request an appointment please email the library at library@southwesterncc.edu . It's helpful if you can make all requests at least one week in advance.
Research Assistance works best if you're prepared for it! Before you come to research assistance try doing some searching on the library website on your own, that way you can address specific concerns and questions with the librarian.
You should bring:
Research Assistance will help you:
Research Assistance will not:
See a staff member, or call (828.339.4288), or submit the Request Materials Form
Questions? Contact Holt Library Director Tina Adams at t_adams@southwesterncc.edu.