JOMI (Journal of Medical Insight) This link opens in a new windowA peer-reviewed surgical video journal that in addition to articles, offers a new gold standard in video-based surgical education. JOMI films and publishes surgical procedures offering incision-to-closure, long-form, high-quality, surgeon-narrated video instruction.
Create your free account to use JOMI (see instructions below) or at the Sign In prompt, click the red "Sign In Using Google" button
To create a free JOMI username/password account:
1. Click link above or go to
2. Click on the "Sign In" link in the upper right hand corner
3. Click on the green, "Create and Account" button
4. In the Institution Field type or choose "Southwestern Community College-North Carolina"
2. Enter your SCC email address in the institutional email field when creating your account
3. Select the most appropriate "User Type" from the menu in the account creation form
5. Click the green Create Account button
Once you're account is created, in the future, just sign in using your SCC email and whatever password you created.