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Geomatics Engineering Technology

Searching for Books in Print

Sign in to MySCC and click the Library tab.

Choose Books tab in the search box. 

You may search for an item several ways, such as title, author, or subject.  The library box default is Southwestern.

Click on the item and it will give you a call number (LCC) and a location.

If you do not find what you need at Holt Library, simply go back to your search screen and the box that says "Southwestern."  This time, scroll to the top of the list and click "everything" so that it will search all of the libraries in our community college system.  If you find an item you would like, call us or email us to make the request.

You can also search for Ebooks in the OneSearch box. On the results screen, refine your search by choosing Ebook Full Text Online.

If you still don't find what you need, please contact us and we will place an inter-library loan order for you.  That means that we can search libraries outside of our system.  You have access to many libraries through SCC.  

Borrow from other libraries: Interlibrary Loan Service

If we don't own the book or article you need, we will borrow it for you from another library.


Please provide:

  • Title, Author, ISBN (if possible), and any other information you can find on the item you want (year of publication, etc.)
  • You must have a Holt Library account established and it must be in good standing (no fines outstanding, no overdue items).
  • Allow at least a week for your books to arrive on our campus
  • Current phone number and/or email address. For articles, we will deliver the article to your email account as soon as it is received.

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