Landing a Job in the TradesGetting hired as a carpenter, electrician, manicurist, or any other tradesperson requires the same professional attitude that all job candidates must show. This video explores essential self-marketing practices that transform job seekers into wage earners, focusing on the best ways to display valuable skills and personality characteristics. With straightforward explanations, helpful graphics, and interviews with job-search experts and real-world employers, the program illustrates how to structure a resume based on skills and background, how to compose a cover letter, how to behave and communicate during an interview, and how to follow up with a winning thank-you letter. Special emphasis is placed on building an upwardly mobile approach, encouraging applicants to display enthusiasm, leadership potential, and a willingness to learn. This is a realistic and reliable demonstration of the steps that lead to “You’re hired.” A viewable/printable instructor’s guide is available online. Correlates to Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Standards for Life Work: Interpersonal, Information, and Systems. A Shopware Production. (16 minutes)