Service Alert
Sign in to MySCC and click Library tab.
Choose the "classic catalog" link.
You may search for an item several ways, such as title, author, or subject. The library box default is Southwestern.
Click on the item and it will give you a call number (LCC) and a location.
If you do not find what you need at Holt Library, simply go back to your search screen and the box that says "Southwestern." This time, scroll to the top of the list and click "everything" so that it will search all of the libraries in our community college system. If you find an item you would like, call us to request the item. Our number is 828-339-4288.
If you still don't find what you need, please contact me and I will place an inter-library loan order for you. That means that I can search libraries outside of our system. You have access to many libraries through SCC.