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(E-book) Few career opportunities were available to minority women in Appalachia in the first half of the 20th century. Nursing offered them a respected, relatively well paid profession and--as few physicians or hospitals would treat people of color--their work was important in challenging health care inequities in the region. Working in both modern surgical suites and tumble-down cabins, these women created unprecedented networks of care, managed nursing schools and built professional nursing organizations while navigating discrimination in the workplace. Focusing on the careers and contributions of dozens of African American and Eastern Band Cherokee registered nurses, this first comprehensive study of minority nurses in Appalachia documents the quality of health care for minorities in the region during the Jim Crow era. Racial segregation in health care and education and state and federal policies affecting health care for Native Americans are examined in depth.
The Appalachian region of the United States sees hunger, poverty, disability, preventable illness and premature death in disproportionally high numbers. Yet, Appalachia also knows the quiet strength of people working together to lift one another up as a community. In this collection of essays, health professionals explore how clinics and communities address the barriers to healthcare that continue to plague this underserved region and discuss theoretical perspectives about Appalachian healthcare. Topics include regional dental care, cancer and diabetes treatment, the integration of primary care and behavioral health, telehealth, the importance of "patient responsibility," and the effects of faith, fatalism and family dynamics on the health of Appalachian youth. Avoiding simplification and stereotype while presenting data, analysis and anecdotes, this volume gives a detailed picture of Appalachia's complex and multi-faceted public health challenges.
Practitioners and students: see and hear breath and heart sounds with remarkable clarity while perfecting your auscultation technique. Auscultation Skills: Breath & Heart Sounds, Fifth Edition, pinpoints exactly how, where, and why breath and heart sounds occur and helps you to differentiate normal from abnormal sounds quickly and accurately. Loaded with clear explanations, colorful illustrations, and linked to online audio cues, this sensational reference spans the simple to the complex and serves as an excellent tool for beginning practitioners and seasoned clinicians who are looking to hone their diagnostic skills and improve their auscultation technique. This compact, practical book will improve your ability to auscultate for heart and breath sounds, and enhance your understanding of their physiology.