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Physical Therapist Assistant

Resources for the Physical Therapy Assistant program, in print and online, gathered into one place.

Evidence-Based Practice Introduction

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) requires that decisions about healthcare are based on the best available, current, valid and relevant evidence. These decisions should be made by those receiving care, informed by the tacit and explicit knowledge of those providing care, within the context of available resources. 

For more background information see:

Edwards, M. (2008). Evidence-based practice. In A. Bryan, E. Mason-Whitehead, A. McIntosh, & et. al. (Eds.), Key concepts in nursing.

Evidence-Based Practice Tutorial

Levels of Evidence Pyramid

Levels of Evidence



What is a systematic review?

A systematic review summarizes the results of available carefully designed healthcare studies (controlled trials) and provides a high level of evidence on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions. Judgments may be made about the evidence and inform recommendations for healthcare.

What is a meta-analysis?

Meta-analysis is a research process used to systematically synthesize or merge the findings of single, independent studies, using statistical methods to calculate an overall or ‘absolute’ effect.2 Meta-analysis does not simply pool data from smaller studies to achieve a larger sample size.

What is the difference between a systematic review and a meta-analysis?

Basically a systematic review is a method used to describe trends in the research field by calculating how many studies have used certain research methodologies, where they were carried out etc... whereas a meta-analysis combines RESULTS from those studies in a new statistical framework to test hypotheses.

Systematic reviews and meta-analysis are considered to be the highest quality evidence on a research topic because their study design reduces bias and produces more reliable findings.

What is a randomized controlled trial? 

(RCT) A study in which people are allocated at random (by chance alone) to receive one of several clinical interventions. One of these interventions is the standard of comparison or control. The control may be a standard practice, a placebo ("sugar pill"), or no intervention at all. Someone who takes part in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) is called a participant or subject. RCTs seek to measure and compare the outcomes after the participants receive the interventions. Because the outcomes are measured, RCTs are quantitative studies. In sum, RCTs are quantitative, comparative, controlled experiments in which investigators study two or more interventions in a series of individuals who receive them in random order. The RCT is one of the simplest and most powerful tools in clinical research.

What is a case study?

Case study is a research methodology, typically seen in social and life sciences. There is no one definition of case study research. However, very simply… ‘a case study can be defined as an intensive study about a person, a group of people or a unit, which is aimed to generalize over several units’. A case study has also been described as an intensive, systematic investigation of a single individual, group, community or some other unit in which the researcher examines in-depth data relating to several variables.

Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Resources

Searching For Evidence

PubMed (an open access database with some full text and some abstracts only),TRIP ( (an open access database with some full text and some abstracts only) and CINAHL (full text subscription database available through from SCC Holt Library) are excellent resources to use when in need of evidence based literature.

PubMed, TRIP, CINAHL and many other medical databases use MeSH subject headings as the official terms to describe concepts related in medical articles. MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms, which are created by the National Library of Medicine, can be thought of as a dictionary or thesaurus which assists in finding and using the correct terms to find the most relevant articles.

Identifying MeSH terms can also be a challenge. PubMed includes a searchable database of MeSH terms which allow the user to type in a keyword and see the closest matching MeSH terms.

PubMed has designed a search page specifically for clinical queries. This will assist you in using the appropriate filters, selecting clinical categories, and finding systematic reviews of primary research. To access this search screen select Clinical Queries under the PubMed Services menu, or click PubMed Clinical Queries.

CINAHL and TRIP use similar Methodology limits. To access PubMed, TRIP and CINAHL see below or visit the Databases page of this Guide.

By checking the EBM Reviews box, you will only retrieve search results from selected journals that publish EBM Reviews. These articles will generally be meta-analyses of primary research studies.

The Clinical Queries limit allows you to limit your search to articles that address a particular area of your topic. MEDLINE will limit based upon nine areas: Therapy, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Reviews, Clinical Prediction Guides, Qualitative, Causation (Etiology), Costs, and Economics. The "High Sensitivity" option for each area will run a broad search and retrieve all relevant material. The "High Specificity" option for each area will run a narrower search and only retrieve the most relevant results. The "Best Balance" option for each area will combine both of the above options.

In CINAHL, you may limit your search to Evidence-Based Practice using the checkbox shown below. Applying this limiter allows you to limit results to:

  • Articles from evidence-based practice journals
  • Articles about evidence-based practice
  • Research articles (including systematic reviews, clinical trials, meta analyses, etc.)
  • Commentaries on research studies (applying practice to research)

You may also need to search CINAHL subject headings to find the appropriate CINAHL/MeSH subject Terms. See this tutorial for more information. 

EBP Books