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Culture and Intercultural Identity

Communicating and fully experiencing other cultures helps us become less ethnocentric and more appreciative of the cultures that overlap and surround us.

Databases for genealogy and history

Links of interest

The significance of oral history rests with its potential to offer new knowledge, perspectives, and interpretations of the past. In every community—in families, neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools—there are people who have knowledge and skills to share—ways of knowing and doing that often come from years of experience and that are preserved and passed down across generations. As active participants in community life, these tradition-bearers are primary sources of culture and history.

A tradition-bearer can be anyone—young or old—who has knowledge, skills, and experience to share: for example, a third grader who knows the hand-clapping games shared among schoolchildren on the playground; a family member who knows about the special foods that are always prepared for holiday celebrations; or a neighbor who has lived in your community for many years and can tell you about local history and ways of life. Through documenting their memories and stories, the past comes to life in the present, filled with vivid images of people, places, and events. And it is not only the past that we discover: we learn about the living traditions—the foodways, celebrations, customs, music, occupations, and skills—that are a vital part of daily experience. These stories, memories, and traditions are powerful expressions of community life and values. They anchor us in a larger whole, connecting us to the past, grounding us firmly in the present, giving us a sense of identity and roots, belonging and purpose.