Service Alert
Success in college depends on you, but Holt Library is here to help.
If library staff can be of immediate assistance to you, please:
Reserve a room for your study group at Holt Library! We have small meeting rooms available (first come, first served, or contact us in advance). You'll have study materials, printing, and librarians close at hand to help, too!
After graduation, you can become a community member and keep using Holt Library for print materials, computer access, and professional librarians!
Your account at Holt Library is created when you register for classes at SCC. You will need an SCC student ID card or other valid picture ID to borrow materials from the library.
Regular Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday | 8:00AM - 5:00PM |
Friday | 8:00AM - 12:00PM |
For changes to operating hours due to holidays or inclement weather, see the SCC web page at
Contact Information
828-339-4288 or 800-447-4091, ext. 4288
Library Chat is available 24 hours a day, 7 Days a Week
Phone: 828.339.4288
Fill out the Holt Library Interlibrary Loan form to request that we get the book or article for you from another library. Turnaround time for books to be shipped to us is about a week to ten days. Articles are usually delivered electronically with 1-2 days. This is a free service!
Login to "My Account" using your Library barcode (located on the back of your ID card) and your PIN (the last four digits of your SCC ID). You can view and renew your books and track your holds and fines. For help, call us at 828-339-4288.
Westlaw gives you access to a large collection of legal information, you can access legal resources such as Cases,
Statutes and regulations, public records, and briefs as well as secondary legal sources such as law journals and news sources.
APA Citation Demo
MLA Citation Demo
Chicago Style Citation Demo
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