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College Success (ACA 111/ACA 122)

Learn how to function effectively within the college environment to meet your academic goals.


Success in college depends on you, but Holt Library is here to help. 

  • Books, magazines, professional journals, and trade publications are available for checkout. You'll also find DVDs (both educational and recreational).
  • The databases online provided by Holt Library will assist you in your research and can help make you an expert in the topics you study.

If library staff can be of immediate assistance to you, please:

Reserve a room for your study group at Holt Library! We have small meeting rooms available (first come, first served, or contact us in advance). You'll have study materials, printing, and librarians close at hand to help, too!

After graduation, you can become a community member and keep using Holt Library for print materials, computer access, and professional librarians! 

Library Card & Book Checkout

Your account at Holt Library is created when you register for classes at SCC. You will need an SCC student ID card or other valid picture ID to borrow materials from the library. 

Hours and Online Access

Holt Library Hours

Regular Hours of Operation             

Monday - Thursday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday 8:00AM - 12:00PM




For changes to operating hours due to holidays or inclement weather, see the SCC web page at

Contact Information
828-339-4288 or 800-447-4091, ext. 4288
Library Chat is available 24 hours a day, 7 Days a Week

Request Research Appointment

Get Research Assistance 

Need help knowing where to start your library research?
  • ask a Librarian for help at the Holt Library desk or
  • contact us to set up a one-on-one appointment. 

Phone: 828.339.4288

Library Search Box



How to Download eBooks From Holt Library to Read Offline 

To checkout or download an eBook in ProQuest or EBSCO, including titles available via NC Live, a personal account is required . You do not need a personal account to use the "read online" feature and read an eBook from your computer desktop (however an internet connection is required). Download times (1 day to 365 days) vary by title because some eBooks only have 1 user spot available at a time. 

ProQuest and EBSCO eBook collections manage check outs and downloads using  Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) .  Similar to a print book which, when checked out, is not available for use by someone else, many eBooks are only available to one person at a time when checked out. 

In both ProQuest and EBSCO you can choose your download format - PDF or EPUB. Books in PDF retain the look and feel of the print book. EPUB allows you to resize the text of the book, which may be helpful on a tablet, phone, or other smaller device.

Download Steps:

1. Create an account on ProQuest Ebooks Central and EBSCO eBook platforms.

2. Download Adobe Digital Editions  (ADE) to your personal computer, and create an account. (ADE is not required for UPSO content.)

3. Search for and download an eBook from Holt Library's OneSearch All Books


Need a book or article not available from Holt Library?

Fill out the Holt Library Interlibrary Loan form to request that we get the book or article for you from another library. Turnaround time for books to be shipped to us is about a week to ten days.  Articles are usually delivered electronically with 1-2 days. This is a free service!

My Account Login

Login to "My Account"  using your Library barcode (located on the back of your ID card) and your PIN (the last four digits of your SCC ID). You can view and renew your books and track your holds and fines. For help, call us at  828-339-4288.

Activating your SCC Student ID Card for Library Checkout

You do not need your SCC Student ID Card to use the library’s online databases and e-books
Activating your SCC student ID card for Library checkout enables you to check out physical items from the library.  
  • Get a SCC Student ID Card from the Cashier's Office in the Balsam Building on the Jackson campus or call them at: 828-339-4290.
  • Activate your SCC Student ID Card with us by filling out the registration form at the front desk of Holt Library or complete the Library Card Activation form online and we will send you a confirmation email when the activation is complete.
  • Students may check out up to 8 items at a time. Books check out for 4 weeks. DVDs check out for 1 week. Contact us to renew items 828-339-4288 or

Westlaw gives you access to a large collection of legal information, you can access legal resources such as Cases,
Statutes and regulations, public records, and briefs as well as secondary legal sources such as law journals and news sources.

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Search or Browse Online Journals

APA Citation Demo

MLA Citation Demo

Chicago Style Citation Demo

Films on Demand Educational Video

Chronicle of Higher Education Logo

Chronicle of Higher Education Online 

The Chronicle of Higher Education is a newspaper and website that presents news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty and student affairs professionals available 

For seamless access login to SCC's Chronicle subscription at: SCC Chronicle Subscription

Sign in to your free personal profile account using your southwestern email address. If you do not yet have a personal account, create one by clicking on the "Sign In" link in the upper right-hand corner and then clicking on the Sign Up tab. Activate your profile account by confirming your email address in the “The Chronicle: Confirm your email address” email.  Setting up a profile will give you more seamless access and allow you to subscribe to newsletter alerts, view job postings, job alerts and salary data and receive discounts In the Chronicle store.