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College and Career Readiness Instructor Resources

Educational Opportunities offers students and community members connections to prepare for and succeed in college and/or the workplace. The department consists of six distinct areas that work cooperatively to meet the needs of all student learning.

CCR students and SCC's Holt Library ONLINE services


While on one of SCC's campuses: Students without a MySCC account can still access NC LIVE databases (BUT NOT EBSCO OR WESTLAW).

  • go to
  • no login necessary if accessing from any SCC campus


While NOT on one of SCC's campuses:  Classes held in places that are not part of SCC's campus system unfortunately cannot access the databases in NC LIVE. 

     What could you do instead? Check with the Jackson County Public Library. Individuals with a public library card would have access to the NC LIVE password (request this from the public library) and could access all NC LIVE databases via the Fontana Regional System. Unfortunately, SCC's Holt Library can only allow NC LIVE and other database access to students, faculty, and staff (who can log in to the MySCC portal).

       We advise, though, that you use the databases provided to you as instructors to find materials that you can incorporate into your courses or use in class. While students cannot access these materials, you will find downloadable exercises, articles, and even testing materials that you can print or use as a basis for assignments.


Other services at Holt Library for CCR students

  • Students in SCC courses may study in the library, print their assignments and papers, and ask for reference help.
  • Collaborative study spaces allow for small groups to study together. (Reservations required; first-come, first served.)
  • An individual room allows for one to have very quiet space and a closed-door study experience.
  • Study carrels along the back wall also provide some privacy, with surrounding partitions and electric outlets for technology.
  • Cafe Diem, a small room off of the main library, holds vending machines with snacks and drinks. Visitors use this room to take phone calls so that they don't disturb other guests.
  • Wireless access is free, no matter which study area you choose. 

The library is open 55 hours per week to accommodate student needs:

          Monday - Thursday          8 am - 5 pm

          Friday                               8 am - 12 pm

There will always be friendly, knowledgeable staff on hand to welcome you and to answer any questions you may have.


Will CCR students receive a Holt Library card?

No. CCR students CAN use the library computer workstations, where they will have access to online materials.

The SCC student ID becomes the library card. When students have advanced to curriculum courses, they will receive a student ID (which then can be used to create a Holt Library account). 

Community members (16 years of age or older with a valid NC ID) may apply for a Holt Library Community Card to establish a Holt Library account.